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Sebastian Summerfield - Dvar Torah

In My Parasha,the patriarch,Yaakov calls his sons, gathers his strength & on His deathbed gives each one of them a blessing.

In the Haftarah read today, King David coincidentally does the same. He calls Shlomo (Solomon) his son & tells him:


(I GO THE WAY OF ALL THE EARTH,BE THOU STRONG THEREFORE & SHOW THYSELF A MAN) Barmitzvah is a milestone set by Our sages as the time when a boy reaches out to be a man.

As I stand here before You all today,at the beginning of the road to manhood, I cannot but turn to The most obvious role models I have.... My Father, My Tato a man of integrity,kindness responsibility & generosity... My Grandfathers, Men of respect & upstanding in their communities...

My goal is to emulate them & with Hashem's guidance I will succeed.

Maimonides, the Jewish Philosopher made it very clear that the best way charity can be given is anonymously, but also with a view into the future & offering a continuous livelihood.

I have chosen as My Mitzvah the donation of 5 sewing machines, thread & expertise to The Sharon Cohen Special School for the disadvantaged to ensure they can help sustain themselves by producing & selling garments, table cloths & so on...The best blessing one can receive is to be a source of blessing through the gift of giving.

I had every intention of reading my Maftir from the Czech Holy Scroll that I carried to the Bima earlier today. I know it would have meant so much to My Mum... However it appears that the Rabbis from the Czech Republic must have exceptional eyesight as the script is, Sorry Mamco....

In closing, I thank You all for sharing & witnessing My Simcha & look forward to enjoying the celebration with You.

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