Our Rabbis

Rabbi Greg Alexander
Rabbi Greg Alexander grew up in the Progressive movement in Johannesburg. He is a graduate of UCT and our youth movement, Netzer.
His smichah comes from Leo Baeck College in London and he brings his experience of more than 30 years in Jewish education and community building here and abroad.
With our Executive Director and Board, he focuses on all the Development work for the synagogue including education, structures, fundraising and membership. He is married to Rabbi Andi and has three children, Immanuel, Yonatan and Yasmin.

Rabbi Malcolm Matitiani
Rabbi Malcolm Matitiani grew up in the Progressive movement in Pretoria. He made international front page news when he became one of the first three rabbis to be ordained in Germany since the Shoah (Holocaust) in 2010.
He has a Masters Degree in Rabbinic Literature from UCT and his smichah is from the Abraham Geiger College in Potsdam, Germany.
On our rabbinic team, he is the Convener of the Beit Din and supervises the Jews by Choice Programme. He has been the editor of our new series of prayerbooks for funeral and shivah homes. He is married to Gillian.