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Jemma Sage - Mitzvah Project

For my Mitzvah Project, I decided to visit Maitland Cottage Home in Claremont, an orthopedic hospital for children that cannot be treated at Red Cross Children’s Hospital. I chose to go there because, when I was searching for charities to help, I noticed on their website that the children in the wards that the children who were in recovery seemed to be lonely, as many of them were bed-ridden, and few were able to walk around. My heart went out to these children, and I wished that they could have something to occupy their time a bit better.

So, I decided to go and visit the wards and give the children some company. Even though the children had never seen me before, by the end of my time on the first of my days there, I had made many friends and had played an UNO game of epic proportions. I continued to visit once a week, and it warmed my heart that I was able to occupy these children’s time and fill even a small part of their day with fun. It was amazing to see the smiles that appeared on their faces after a few weeks when I arrived in the mornings. I will continue to go each week, and I hope to see some of the patients recover completely while I am there.

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